Top 9 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in the world

Top 9 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in the world

A dog, which is also popular as man’s best companion, sometimes does not come without a price. Many dog lovers are willing to pay thousands of dollars for specific dog breeds. Here are the top 10 most expensive breeds in the world. Please 
Note: The cost can vary greatly based on breeder, location and bloodlines.

9. Irish Wolfhound  $1,500


8. Saluki $2,500 and up .

7. Peruvian Inca Orchid
$3000 and up.

 6. Azawakh $3000 and up.

5. Rottweiler | $4,000 and up.

4. Akita  $4,500 for certain Akita breeds

3. Tibetan Mastiff  price is up to $7,000

2. Samoyed $8,000 and up

1. Löwchens $9000 and up






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