Fennec Fox informations Habitat Diet Behaviour

Fennec Fox

The fennec fox is the world’s smallest fox species. They measure between 24 and 41 cm (9-16 in). They stand 20.3cm (8in) tall. The tail makes up 18-31cm (7-12in) of their length. Their large ears are 10-15cm (3.9-5.9in) tall.
The fennec fox has a fluffy, cream or sandy coloured coat. They have thick fur around their feet to protect them from the hot sand. They have the largest ears relative to body size of any fox. Their bushy tail has a black tip on the end.

Fennec Fox Habitat

The fennec fox comes from Africa and Asia. They found throughout the Sahara desert between Morocco, Egypt, Niger, the Sinai Peninsula and Kuwait. They live in desert areas.

Fennec Fox Diet

Fennec Foxes are omnivores. They live on a diet of insects, eggs, birds, rabbits, small reptiles, plants, fruits and rodents.
They have specially adapted kidneys allowing them to not drink much. They can obtain some of their water from the food they eat.

Fennec Fox Behaviour

The Fennec Fox has uncharacteristic behaviours compared to other foxes. While foxes are normally solitary creatures, the Fennec Fox forms groups. These small communities consist of around 10 individuals. Males are territorial and mark their boundaries with urine. Males also become aggressive with each other when mating season approaches. Fennec Foxes are sociable animals that mate for life and each pair or family has its own territory.

Quick facts

The fennec fox is kept as a pet in many places ,These animals are used for their fur in North Africa.
Fennec Foxes are the national animal of Algeria. Their national football team ‘Les Fennecs’ is named after these foxes.

Fennec Fox Reproduction

The Fennec Fox is classed as ‘Data Deficient’ by the IUCN. It is not threatened with extinction and cause no harm to human interest, unlike other foxes. It is, however, hunted for its fur by people of the Sahara and Sinai and, like many other animals, they also suffer from habitat loss.
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