Chihuahua dog

The Chihuahua dog breed‘s charms include his small size, outsize personality, and variety in coat types and colors. He’s all dog, fully capable of competing in dog sports such as agility and obedience, and is among the top 10 watchdogs recommended by experts. He loves nothing more than being with his people and requires a minimum of grooming and exercise.

Chihuahuas are notoriously playful little things. Because of their spritely size, your chihuahua pup is going to treat every part of your home – including YOU – as part of their playground. If you are not comfortable with this, be sure to set limits with your pup early on to prevent bad habits from forming. Or you can use your chihuahua puppy as motivation to start working out; tight abs make a great chihuahua springboard.

Facts on the Chihuahua Dog Breed 

How long do Chihuahuas live? 

The Chihuahua lifespan is pretty long  as much as 17 years -- but they have a tendency to develop health problems like hypoglycemia, joint ailments, eye infections and bronchitis. Also, the tops of their skulls never fully develop, leaving soft spots ("moleras") that should be protected.  


Quick Facts on the Chihuahua Dog Breed

  • Weight: 2-6 pounds (0.91-2.72 kg)
  • Height: 6-9 inches (15.24-22.86 cm)
Chihuahuas are the world’s smallest dog breed, normally weighing between 2 and 8 pounds with an average height of 6 to 9 inches. Chihuahuas have a “cobby” body — stout, stocky and slightly longer than tall — that still seems flexible, sturdy and muscular. Their rounded, apple-shaped heads feature dark round eyes, pointed ears and a slightly pointed muzzle.
The necks slope down to level backs and sickle-shaped tails that sometimes curl up or to one side. Smooth-coated Chihuahuas have a soft, glossy coat, while the long-coated variety have curly or straight hair. Chihuahuas can come in practically any color or combination of colors.
Chihuahuas come in any solid color or combination of colors, including fawn, black and tan, chocolate and white, blue and red. Avoid breeders who try to get you to pay more for supposedly “rare” colors.
Chihuahuas are highly intelligent and take well to training when it comes with positive reinforcement in the form of treats and praise.
Don’t think that the Chihuahua is a gentle lapdog. He is tenacious and terrierlike in attitude

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